Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1st Panorama!

While we were coming back from picking up sis from work, we all saw this wonderful sky. im like OMGGG, the second i got home, grabbed my camera bag and a tripod and went along side Kennedy Rd. and quickly shot 4 shots of the scene, and stitched them together to make this big picture. I played with Photoshop until i got my desired effect. =)

EDIT: would like to dedicate this to Rebecca, as she is leaving to Taiwan very soon. Hope you will stay safe, and will have a wonderful time, we will all miss you dearly =)

For photography-literate people, I shot 4 pics of the scene, and autostitched it, and then tweaked the contrast a bit with PSCS2. Shot with:
14-45mm, all at 14mm

ISO 100
1/20 sec.
