Thursday, September 14, 2006

Goodbye 14-45mm

I've been under the weather, but yet my feelings are suppressed. But I still look up, just letting the clouds pass, and hope that you are still with me. Don't you see? I need you here. I need you.


Olympus E-1 Pro
My beloved Zuiko Digital 14-45mm f3.5/5.6

This lens has served me well, but I've let her go. Sold it to another Olympus user, so now, I'm upgrading to a 14-54mm f2.8/3.5


Shot JPEG, cropped and de-noised in PSCS2, and framed. Other than that, no photomanipulation.

Monday, September 04, 2006

new toys!

just a little update for the end of summer. i really did not do anything very interesting with my beloved camera, but i did buy some new gear for it! behold:

E-1, SHLD-2 (Battery/Vertical Grip), and FL-36 (Flash)

i shall say, these 2 new items work like a charm! the battery allows me to hold the camera in portrait (sideways) mode much easier, and the flash gives me very contollable lighting.

here's a sample picture that i took with the flash.

i just fixed the colouring in photoshop, other than that, no photomanipulation. this came fresh from the camera! =D this fan is the third review sample im working on so far. yes, i have finished two reviews already =]
is the site i work for. the staff are wonderful people. thanks for dropping by, appreciate it, and yes, im still alive and will update whenever i do something interesting with my camera.

'til then
<3 luu